Selling Your Home

Selling your Home, Investment or Commercial Property
We will work to assist to sell your property for the highest possible price in the shortest period of time. Our effort ensures the sale of your property to be a smooth and flawless experience.

We will start the process with our Home Selling Info Session to discuss your property. This gives us an opportunity to learn about your property’s uniqueness. Discussions about recent renovations, history of the property and the area which your property is located in are all very important our marketing campaign.

Comparable properties that were sold and comparable properties that are up for sale in your area will be used to price your property. These comparables will give you an idea as to how much your property can sell for. Our job is to work with you and set a price that you are comfortable with. We will also discuss with you the risks involved with overpricing your property and the effects it may have with the length of time your property will sell.

During the sale of your property, we will arrange appointments for viewings requested by other co-operating realtors or direct buyers responding from our extensive marketing campaign. All viewing requests will be met as we are on hand to show your property.

We will schedule Agent’s Open Houses that will market your property to other agents. These agents act on behalf of their clients to preview properties before they make appointments to bring their clients through. This usually takes place during a weekday in the morning.

Public Open Houses will be scheduled on weekends. Our marketing campaign will ensure that every Public Open House that is held for your property will be advertised to maximize the exposure of your property. During these Public Open Houses, Rene will be able to answer all questions pertaining to your property and its area to all interested parties.

Our many years of experience in selling condos, townhomes, duplexes and detached homes gives you the advantage for us to tailor a marketing strategy to sell your property for top dollars!

Contact us to assist to sell your property!

Rene Pantoja, Realtor

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Realtor Rene Pantoja
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